Review: Tane by Anna Hackett

Tane by Anna Hackett

Title:  Tane

Author: Anna Hackett

Series: Hell Squad #20

Pages: 256

5 out of 5 stars
5 stars – I loved it!

After years of waiting we finally have Tane and Selena’s story!!! This was a fantastic and emotional end to an amazing series.

Tane has been fighting his feelings for Selena since they rescued her. After 19 books we finally got to see his POV and it was intense. Tane is a protective alpha male who is determined to protect his family and the survivors, even if it means he dies. He no longer feels he is worthy of love after being a mercenary for so many years. We see him do some pretty reckless things in the beginning of the book trying to protect others because he feels he wouldn’t be missed. Selena confronts Tane and breaks down his barriers. She makes him see that he is a true hero and is a good person. I just love the emotional scenes between these two. They have both been through so much. 

“None of us are perfect, Tane. We’re good and bad, an accumulation of right choices and wrong ones, but I’ve watched you for almost a year. You are a good man, even if you don’t believe it. And I want you. Just as you are.”

Selena is no longer the shy alien who was first rescued. She has grown and become stronger. She has found a new home and friends and is determined to fight back. I loved Selena. She has changed so much and is perfect for Tane. Her abilities are amazing and watching her fight against the Gizzida was badass. She really can do a lot of damage with her abilities and I loved it. She is determined to be helpful and protect her new home, even when she is terrified of being captured again. 

“I’m not broken. Maybe I was when you first found me, but you, all of you, put me back together. You gave me a home, and I want to fight for it too.”

This book was nonstop action from the very beginning. The survivors have finally found all three bombs and are racing the clock to destroy them before the aliens destroy humanity. The battle between aliens and humans was intense and deadly. We came close to losing so many people and yet the survivors prevailed.  I cried. I have been reading this series for years and having it finally end was so emotional and heartbreaking (in a good way). 

“She knew he’d make her happy—and sad, angry, content, thrilled, desired—because that was the glorious chaos of life.”

I loved the conclusion and seeing all the happy couples. The new life that the humans are making and the love that they are showing. I am so sad that this series has ended but it was a powerful ending to an amazing series. I cannot wait to revisit this series in the future when I am missing the squad and relive it all over again.

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Previous books in the series:

  1. Marcus
  2. Cruz 
  3. Gabe
  4. Reed
  5. Roth 
  6. Noah
  7. Shaw
  8. Holmes
  9. Niko
  10. Finn
  11. Devlin
  12. Theron 
  13. Hemi
  14. Ash
  15. Levi
  16. Manu
  17. Griff 
  18. Dom
  19. Survivors

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